Make the most of your time when shopping around at Yard Sales. 10 Tips to make your Deer Park Yard Sale experience that much better!

  1. Make a list. Staying focused on what you need for your family is key. Very much like you would make a grocery list, make a yard sale list. Need shorts for your 5 year old? Put it down! Looking for a new couch? Add it!
  2. Map it out. Deer Park Yard Sale has mapped it out for you. All you need to do is print the full page map and the additional pages that gives actual address, time, and things they are selling. If you can’t print the map before you leave home, come visit our HQ. 
  3. Leave the kids at home. If at all possible this will free you up to shop with out having to drag them in and out of the car. Christmas is also coming up and the little ones do not need to know you got their really cool gift for a quarter.
  4. Pockets should jingle, meaning carry a lot of change. This will help you get in and out of yard sales with out waiting on sellers to give you cash back.
  5. Take along some snacks and water. Remember you’ll be out for a bit. Keeping yourself hydrated and well feed with keep your mind clear to make those great deals. In case you forget, Deer Park does offer some great places to get refreshments and use the facilities.
  6. Never be afraid to ask. Sometimes the seller may have what you’re looking for, but may have it tucked away, or forgot to set it out. It doesn’t hurt to ask if it’s for sale. Also if something isn’t clearly priced, ask or make an offer.
  7. Negotiate but do not be insulting. You’ve got nothing to lose. If the seller won’t budge, you’re still getting a great deal! If you’ve picked up a bunch of items that come up to $4.50, see if they will take $4.00 for it.
  8. Be Kind.
  9. You have time. For those yard sales that have great stuff but seemed like too much to pay, make a note of it and head back later in the day. Sellers may slash their prices in order to part with their goods!
  10. Have FUN – relax and take your time. When you finally find just what you’re looking for, it makes it all worth it!

Also, remember to thank the sponsors. Without the help of this year’s sponsors, this event would not take place. TRECpro has donated thousands of dollars worth of time to marketing the event and developing the website. Be sure to thank them for their support so we can do this again next year!
Based on the blog article Garage Sale Shopping Tips by Fabulessly Frugal.